Join our Community

Join our Make a Difference Group Buying Community for schools, health care companies and other non-profit and for-profit organizations: working together to gain the greatest price advantages and also to support quality education and student health and wellness in their local communities. Make a Difference Alliance Group donates half of all proceeds to Make a Difference for Every Child Foundation, supporting health and wellness for children in under-served school communities.

Save operational costs on office supplies, text books, technology, communications, food programs, building maintenance and employee health care insurance.

Join our Make a Difference Supplier Community as partners gaining greater market exposure and contribute towards quality education and better health for every child. Make a Difference charges a 1% transaction fee. Submit full proposals to

Donate to Make a Difference for Every Child Foundation to support in-school nurse practitioners, mobile health clinics, exercise, nutritional and social and emotional wellness programs for children in under-served school communities.

Full Name*

E-mail Address*

Phone Number*

Street Number*

Street Name*



ZIP Code*

Name of Organization*

Type of Organization

Buyer, Supplier or Donor

Number of students, if applicable

If Supplier, type of products offered

If Supplier, % of discount offering

If Supplier, free or discounted shipping